Fugitive Verse

Baudy prose

Fugitive Verse  –  The pangs that tempt the spirit to rebel

By my own admission, I am  a slow and attentive worker; often sidetracked by indolence, emotional distress, illness, drunkeness, and subjective poverty.

Fugitive verse has found a small, yet appreciative audience.  Public attention is given mostly to the subject matter.  The  principal themes of sex and death are considered scandalous by those who are naive about the realities of human existence.  It touches on sacred and profane love, metamorphosis, melancholy, the corruption of the city, lost innocence, the oppressiveness of simple living.   The effect is unexpected, mingled with some admiration and an indefinable anxious fear.

This lofty melancholy shines with a luminous light.. plaintive and profound like a melody which we can hear only in our delirium.   The concept of maternal love is suspect and we place it in the same realm as the cold economic reality of public society. 

Please consider what fine advantages this combination offers to us, and to the reader.      


Who among us has not dreamt, in moments of ambition, of the miracle of a poetic prose, musical without rhythm and rhyme, supple and staccato enough to adapt to the lyrical stirrings of the soul, the undulations of dreams, and sudden leaps of consciousness.    


My admiration for art and poetry is based on the concept that we cannot defeat time and death; but a work of art can. Art and poetry, life, and death are inextricably linked.

Social equality: no one is entitled to it; it belongs to those who can win it and keep it.  Let’s face facts and the reality of human history – all of it, not just the parts we like.     

In this respect we resemble the public at large, to whom one must never present the delicate themes of love which only exasperate them, but instead, give them war – unleashed sexuality and violence, the profound power of the irrational, which they readily understand.   

I speak of a kind of energy that springs from ennui and manifests itself in unexpected ways. Few can explain such mad energy that so suddenly comes to lazy dreamers, and why they suddenly feel the need to perform absurd and dangerous deeds.

Fugitive Verse reflects a personal observation of deprivation and mortality… not that I think life is too short, but that it is too long.    


It is there that I live in exalted calm

In the midst of azure and splendid waves

embrocated with perfumes and naked slaves


— copyetcetera 2021

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